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Carding Comb

Carding Comb

Carding combs are perfect for showday preparation and leave a tidy finish on your sheep or cattle.

Carding Comb No.2 - Meat Breeder
Bent wire card properly set which is suitable for beef cattle when grooming their short coats and for sheep with light, open fleeces such as Cheviots, Suffolks, Dorsets, etc.

Carding Comb No.3 - Wool Breeder
Bent wire card properly set for dense fleeces such as Columbias, Merinos, Corriedales, etc. Also suitable for wool on sheep legs.

The clothing is clamped to the board on each card with steel clips which protect the edges of the card and hold the clothing tightly and securely in place. No tacks, nails or leather bindings to work loose. The wire itself is plated and highly rust and corrosion resistant. Howard Sheep Cards are guaranteed to give you better results and last the longest.
Availability: In Stock
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