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Servicing & Repairs

Shearing Equipment|Servicing & Repairs

We service most types of shearing machines and handpieces. All electric machines are PAT tested by qualified peronnel. We stock spare parts for most machines and provide a quick turnaround on repairs.

Our experienced staff have many years of training and are pleased to offer servicing, sharpening and repairs in our fully equipped on-site workshop. We aim to repair all repairs within 2-5 days although this may not be possible during busy periods.

All prices are for labour only, replacement parts will cost extra.

You can find a printable service/sharpening form here

Phone us on 01200 427419 or Email us for free advice.

If we do not sell the brand of clipper or trimmer you require repairing, please get in touch with our team and we can let you know whether we are able to repair your trimmer/clipper for you.
If we do not sell the brand of clipper or trimmer you require repairing, please get in touch with our team on 01200 427419 or send us a email ( and we can let you know whether we are able to repair your trimmer/clipper for you.